Gyeongju Ssambap Street (경주 쌈밥거리)
Gyeongju Ssambap Street, developed around the Daereungwon Ancient Tombs in Gyeongju, offers a diverse culinary experience. A highlight is ssambap (leaf wraps and rice), a dish featuring fresh vegetables accompanied by substantial side dishes like fish, meat, and doenjang jjigae (soybean paste jjigae) made from homemade soybean paste. Additionally, this street presents a variety of snacks, including Hwangnam ppang (Hwangnam bread) prepared with red beans and flour, and jjondeugi, a traditional chewy snack made from cornmeal and sugar. Nearby attractions include the Cheomseongdae Observatory, Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond, Woljeonggyo Bridge, and the Gyeongju National Museum.
Información de introducción
- Horario de apertura
- Varies by restaurant
- Vacaciones
- Varies by restaurant
- Aparcamiento
- Available
- Consultas
- 054-772-3843
- 관광코스안내
- Admission Fees
- Korean Info. Service
Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongju-si Clasificación del Tiempo
- 2025-04-01 Regular
- Precaución necesaria
- 2025-04-02 Bueno
- Adecuado para turismo al aire libre
- 2025-04-03 Regular
- Precaución necesaria
- 2025-04-04 Malo
- No recomendado para actividades al aire libre
- 2025-04-05 Regular
- Precaución necesaria
- 2025-04-06 Bueno
- Adecuado para turismo al aire libre
- 2025-04-07 Bueno
- Adecuado para turismo al aire libre
- Fecha de registro inicial
- 2025-03-19 10:40
- Última actualización
- 2025-03-19 10:48
- Página de inicio
- Dirección
- [38165] 9 Gyerim-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Lugar de viaje cercano