Vegetarian Restaurant Osegyehyang (채식요리전문점 오세계향)

Registrarse : 2013-05-13 22:53 Actualización : 2019-12-23 22:45
Vista : 49

Vegetarian Restaurant Osegyehyang (채식요리전문점 오세계향)

Osegyehyang is a vegetarian restaurant location in Insa-dong, a street known for its traditional
culture and crafts. It serves various dishes that cater to the
needs of vegetarian customers.

Información de introducción
Horario de apertura
Lunch 11:30-15:30 / Dinner 17:00-21:00  
Plato principal
Vegetarian BBQ with vegebtables and rice  
Vegetarian BBQ with vegebtables and rice / Korean style hot soup cooked with vegetables, mushrooms, and soy protein set menu / Fried noodles with vegetarian Chinese sauce / Soft tofu gang-doenjang bibimbap / Fried soy protein served with sweet and sour srarchy sauce  
Available (Tel: +82-2-735-7171)  
No Fumar/Fumar
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-735-7171  
Número de licencia
Seúl Jongno-gu Clasificación del Tiempo
2024-12-27 Malo
No recomendado para actividades al aire libre
2024-12-28 Regular
Precaución necesaria
2024-12-29 Malo
No recomendado para actividades al aire libre
2024-12-30 Malo
No recomendado para actividades al aire libre
2024-12-31 Regular
Precaución necesaria
2025-01-01 Regular
Precaución necesaria
2025-01-02 Regular
Precaución necesaria