
Зарегистрировать : 2004-03-25 23:24 Обновление : 2024-04-07 02:55
Просмотр : 27


Cheonghakdong is a famous restaurant for serving 40 or more side dishes for each table setting.
It serves wild green salads, a variety of salted seafood, and famous ‘yeonggwang gulbi’ (dried yellow corvine of the Yeonggwang region) and other dishes.
It is also designated as a gourmet restaurant by the traditional food conservation society called ‘Matchaja Samcheonri'.

Информация о представлении
Рекомендуемое меню
Sangcharim (Korean Table D’hote)
Первоначальная дата регистрации
2004-03-25 23:24
Последнее обновление
2024-04-07 02:55
[55775] 142-3 Ssanggyo-dong, Nawom-si, Jeonbuk-do
Близлежащие места для путешествий