
Зарегистрировать : 2004-03-26 18:36 Обновление : 2016-09-05 01:36
Просмотр : 17


This is the oldest western-style restaurant in Korea and offers a wonderful view and clean atmosphere.
Although it can be difficult to reach, the beautiful scenery surrounding this restaurant will overwhelm guests.
Members of the political elite once used it for social gatherings.
Gomuijip is rather different from the more recently established western restaurants in its design and decor.
It is ornamented in a modern style with its own unique characteristics.
The kitchen and washrooms are kept extremely clean.
It is also referred to as 'the legend of western restaurants'.

Информация о представлении
Рекомендуемое меню
Sirloin Steak
Первоначальная дата регистрации
2004-03-26 18:36
Последнее обновление
2016-09-05 01:36
[02821] San 5-1 Seongbuk-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
Близлежащие места для путешествий