
Зарегистрировать : 2004-03-26 18:52 Обновление : 2016-12-30 02:47
Просмотр : 20


At the center of Songdo Resort Town in Incheon, this trendy new Japanese restaurant with a sophisticated ambience looks over the blue sea.
Nagoya’s experienced cooking staff and excellent service crew provides guests with an outstanding and new dining experience.
The neat Japanese style interior and family style service are also factors that attract diners looking for a customer-oriented restaurant.

Информация о представлении
Рекомендуемое меню
Hoe Jeongsik (Sliced Raw Fish Table d’hote)
Номер лицензии
Первоначальная дата регистрации
2004-03-26 18:52
Последнее обновление
2016-12-30 02:47
[17389] 573 Ongnyeon-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon
Близлежащие места для путешествий