Hornbeam Habitat (서어나무(소사나무)군락지)

Register : 2004-01-19 09:00 Update : 2024-02-16 10:17
View : 64

Hornbeam Habitat (서어나무(소사나무)군락지)

Hornbeam Habitat stands as the largest colony of hornbeam trees in Korea, home to over 350 trees that have surpassed the 150-year mark. These trees were initially planted by the residents of Naeri village to shield their rice fields from the harsh impacts of rain and wind. Subjected to the relentless sea breeze, the branches of these hornbeam trees have been sculpted by nature to twist and turn, veering away from the typical straight growth pattern. This interaction between the natural elements and the trees' adaptive growth has resulted in a landscape of unique beauty.

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