n·GRILL (엔그릴)
n.GRILL is a French restaurant located on the seventh floor, the highest floor in the N Seoul Tower. The restaurant rotates 360 degrees, so one can enjoy the food with the view of Seoul. n.GRILL is particularly famous as a place for marriage proposals, thanks to its beautiful view of Seoul at night. It is a perfect place for those who want special spaces and events.
Introduction Information
- Business Hours
- Monday-Friday 13:00-22:00 / Saturdays, Sundays 12:00-22:00 (Break time 15:00-17:00)
- Holiday
- N/A (Open all year round)
- Signature Dish
- Dinner course (N-Grill Course Dinner)
- Menu
- Season special course (N-Grill Course Couple), Lunch course (N-Grill Course Lunch)
- Inquiries
- Tel: +82-2-3455-9297, 9298
- Parking
- Available
- Non-smoking/Smoking
- Non-smoking
- Inquiry/Information
- +82-2-3455-9297
- Restrooms
- Separated by gender / located within the restaurant
Seoul Yongsan-gu Weather Rating
- 2025-03-01 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-03-02 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-03-03 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-03-04 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-03-05 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-03-06 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-03-07 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- Initial Registration Date
- 2008-04-29 23:10
- Last Updated
- 2024-03-08 11:13
- Inquiry
- +82-2-3455-9297
- Homepage
- https://www.nseoultower.co.kr/visit/restaurant.asp
- Address
- [04340] (7F, N Seoul Tower), 105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
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