Mulgogi Coffee Roasters (물고기 커피 로스터스)
Mulgogi Coffee Roasters is an award-winning hand-drip specialty store in Gwangju. This place is famous among coffee enthusiasts for its fresh beans, which are handpicked and roasted, one by one, and its 20 kinds of drip bags. Visitors can enjoy their specialty, Geisha Coffee, or other blends from Africa, Latin America, India, China, and other Asian countries.
Introduction Information
- Business Hours
- 10:00-19:00
- Holiday
- Mondays & Tuesdays
- Signature Dish
- Hand Drip Coffee
- Menu
- Geisha Coffee, African & Latin American Coffee, Dutch Coffee
- Parking
- Available
- Inquiry/Information
- +82-507-1327-8702
Gwangju Dong-gu Weather Rating
- 2025-03-26 Excellent
- Ideal for outdoor tourism
- 2025-03-27 Good
- Suitable for outdoor tourism
- 2025-03-28 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-03-29 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-03-30 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-03-31 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-04-01 Fair
- Caution advised
- Initial Registration Date
- 2024-11-01 11:18
- Last Updated
- 2024-11-14 14:25
- Homepage
- Address
- [61466] 34 Jangdong-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju
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