Da Vinci Museum (다빈치 뮤지엄)

Register : 2012-09-18 19:01 Update : 2019-09-11 19:47
View : 63

Da Vinci Museum (다빈치 뮤지엄)

Da Vinci Museum, located in Seogwipo-si on Jeju Island is the only museum that has the Da Vinci License in Korea. The museum offers visitors a chance to experience a wide variety of activities and hands-on programs. When you think of Leonardo Da Vinci, a few things that come to mind are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. However, one of the greatest masterpieces in his life is the Codex, a collection of his writings. Over 7,000 pages of the Codex, A.K.A. a notebook of secrets, survives today, and the museum displays over 200 works created and inspired based on the writings in the Codex. The museum houses information about the life and times of Leonardo Davinci, a superb scientist, anatomist, and inventor.

Introduction Information
Opening Hours
September-June 09:00-18:00
July-August 09:00-19:00
* Last admission is 40 minutes before closing.  
Adults 9,000 won
Teenagers (middle & high school students) 8,000 won
Children (ages 3 to elementary school students) 7,000 won  
N/A (Open all year round)  
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-64-794-5114~5  
Program Information
Making Da Vinchi’s inventions / Making Spider robot / Making water rocket
* Detailed information is available on the website.
Info. Services for Koreans
[Docent Program]
Every hour starting from 10:00 to 17:00 (July-August: to 18:00)
Foreign Language Intepretation Services
Chinese audio guide
English, Japanese, Chinese information panels
Jeju-do Seogwipo-si Weather Rating
2024-12-26 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2024-12-27 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2024-12-28 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2024-12-29 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2024-12-30 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2024-12-31 Fair
Caution advised
2025-01-01 Fair
Caution advised